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    Confined Space Entry & Rescue Program Manager

    • Start Date 2024-09-23
    • End Date 2023-09-13
    • Start Time 10:25
    • End Time 13:25
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    Confined Space Entry & Rescue Program Manager Course Description

    This intensive, hands-on course aboard the Battleship USS North Carolina will combine adult training methodologies that will provide a broad understanding of the concept of a confined space and the various elements that may require a permit to be issued along with simulated confined space rescues that will require attendees to enter vertical and horizontal spaces, package, and extricate victims.

    The vast majority of this course is focused on Confined Space Rescue techniques. The course also details proper assessment of the hazards that may be present in a confined space and the appropriate means of elimination. It delves into the proper implementation of a comprehensive confined space entry program with an emphasis on rescue service members (entry and non-entry). Roles, responsibilities, and training requirements of all CSE personnel will be thoroughly covered.

    Our Confined Space Entry & Rescue Program Manager Course Covers:

    • Definition of Confined Space (three elements)
    • Examples & Assessment Procedures
    • Concept of Isolation (Lockout Tagout, blanking and blinding)
    • Hazardous Atmospheres (oxygen, flammables, toxic, dust)
    • Atmospheric Monitoring & Associated Equipment
    • Environmental Hazards & Engulfment Hazards
    • Confined Space Configurations
    • Elements of a Permit (issuance, use, restrictions, and record-keeping)
    • Entrant, Attendant, Supervisor, Rescue Service Members
    • Personal Protective Equipment (including use of SCBA and SAR)
    • Non-entry Rescue Equipment and Procedures (tripods and other extrication devices)
    • Vertical Entries (basic repelling systems)
    • Horizontal Entries (non-line of sight rescues)
    • Entry Equipment (winch/davit, mechanical advantage systems, others)

    **Please note: this course will require intensive, physical, hands-on training. Over 70% of this course is hands-on dealing with victim packaging and vertical and horizontal rescue from within a confined space. Various skill stations will be performed by all team members throughout the week. Medical clearance for the use of SCBA is recommended but not required. Dress appropriately. This course meets NFPA 1006 and 1670 Technician level and OSHA 1910.146 standards and response guidelines.

    In addition, the course will include the following rescue concepts:

    • CSR checklists
    • Team entry operations
    • Command and support operations
    • Ropes, knots, and auxiliary equipment
    • Mechanical advantage systems
    • Multiple rescuer entries
    • IDLH atmosphere entries for rescue
    • Air system selection and use
    • Patient packaging and removal operations

    Upon successful completion of this course, the student will receive a certificate validating knowledge and training. With this certification, the student will have acquired the knowledge, skills, and abilities to:

    • Define and Interpret the definition of Confined Space (three elements)
    • Identify Confined Space Examples & Assessment Procedures
    • Define and Interpret the Concept of Isolation (Lockout Tagout, blanking and blinding)
    • Identify Hazardous Atmospheres (oxygen, flammables, toxic, dust)
    • Comprehend and Use Atmospheric Monitoring & Associated Equipment
    • Recognize Environmental Hazards & Engulfment Hazards
    • Identify Various Confined Space Configurations
    • Define and Interpret the Elements of a Permit (issuance, use, restrictions, and record-keeping)
    • Define and Distinguish the Duties of Entrant, Attendant, Supervisor, Rescue Service Members
    • Comprehend and Demonstrate various uses of Personal Protective Equipment (including use of SCBA) while able to properly don and doff PPE
    • Conduct rigging of Non-entry Rescue Equipment and Procedures (tripods and other extrication devices)
    • Conduct Vertical Entries (basic repelling systems)
    • Conduct Horizontal Entries (non-line of sight rescues)
    • Use and Manipulate Entry Equipment (winch/davit, mechanical advantage systems, others)

    Prerequisites and Authorization:

    The CSERPM requires no prerequisites; however, prior knowledge of Confined Space Entry and Rescue is beneficial. Upon completion, a CSERPM is authorized to teach the following courses by NASP.

    • Confined Space Entry Awareness
    • Confined Space Entry for Attendants
    • Confined Space Entry for Entrants
    • Confined Space Entry for Supervisors
    • Basic Confined Space Rescue

    Continuing Education Units:

    Four (4.0) CEUs are offered for this course. As an IACET Accredited Provider, NASP offers IACET CEUs for its learning events that comply with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. CEUs will be reflected on the Certificate upon successful completion of the course and passing the exam. Partial credit or adjusted CEUs will not be awarded for individuals who do not successfully meet the criteria for achievement of CEUs.


    The student will take an exam at the end of the course. You must score 80% to receive a Certificate. You have two opportunities to pass the exam. An online retake exam will be provided if the first attempt is unsuccessful.


    A refresher course and exam will be required every three (3) years. The cost of this recertification is $395 and can be taken online. However, many students opt to retake the course in its entirety. This is optional.

    Class Information:

    Monday-Thursday 8-5 & Friday 8-4, we will meet on the first floor of the hotel the first day in the meeting room (Monday), and we will also meet in the meeting room each morning before heading to the ship Tuesday-Friday. Lunch will be provided each day, along with daily snacks and refreshments.